Have you worked in NSW? Register for class action compensation

You may have heard that the Maurice Blackburn class action seeking recovery of unpaid wages for rostered overtime, unrostered overtime, meal breaks, and superannuation for doctors in training employed by NSW Health has settled for a record $229.8m.
This is a great outcome for doctors, and we are strongly encouraging all our members who have previously worked in NSW to register to receive compensation.
If you worked as a doctor in training at any time for NSW Health between 16 December 2014 and 21 March 2024 you should register now to receive compensation.
If you do not register by 12 July 2024 you will miss out.
You may be eligible if you have worked as an intern, resident or registrar.
For details on how to register, please follow the instructions on the Maurice Blackburn website at: mauriceblackburn.com.au/juniordoctors and complete the registration form here

You do not need to have kept records of the unpaid overtime you worked in order to register for compensation.
If you do not register, you will not be able to receive compensation from the class action settlement. You will also not be able to bring your own claim for unpaid overtime for the period 16 December 2014 and 21 March 2024, as you are automatically a member of the class action group.
If you have any questions concerning compensation from the class action settlement, please contact Maurice Blackburn directly:
Call: 1800 318 062
Email: [email protected]

Please share this important information with your colleagues.