Election E2023-203 Stage 1 Insufficient Nominations

You can download the 'Notice' for the Election:   here   
You can download the 'Nomination Form' for the Election:   here  

Nominations open from the 5 June 2024 and close 5pm (AEDT) on 26 June 2024. Please lodge nominations to the AEC, not ASMOF (details enclosed in 'Notice').

Nominations are called for the below positions:

New South Wales Branch
  • Branch Councillors from the following Practitioner Types:
    • Clinical Academic: 1
    • Visiting Medical Officer: 1
    • GP Registrar: 2

Queensland Branch

  • Branch Vice-President (1)
  • Branch Councillors from the following Practitioner Types:
    • Staff Specialist: 4
    • Medical Officer (Doctor in Training): 5
    • Visiting Medical Officer: 1
    • GP Registrar: 1
    • Miscellaneous: 1

Victoria Branch

  • Branch Secretary (1)
  • Branch Councillors from the following Practitioner Types:
    • Staff Specialist:8
    • Medical Officer (Doctor in Training):7
    • Miscellaneous: 1

South Australia Branch

  • Branch Assistant Secretary/Treasurer (1)
  • Branch Councillors from the following Practitioner Types:
    • Staff Specialist: 2
    • Clinical Academic: 1
    • Career Medical Officer: 1
    • Medical Officer (Doctor in Training): 1
    • Visiting Medical Officer: 1
    • GP Registrar: 1
    • Miscellaneous: 1

Tasmania Branch

  • Branch Assistant Secretary/Treasurer (1)

Northern Territory Branch

  • Branch Secretary (1)
  • Branch Councillors from the following Practitioner Types:
    • Miscellaneous: 1

Australian Capital Territory Branch

  • Branch Assistant Secretary/Treasurer (1)
  • Branch Councillors from the following Practitioner Types:
    • Staff Specialist: 3
    • GP Registrar: 1
    • Miscellaneous: 1

Western Australia Branch

  • Branch President (1)
  • Branch Vice-President (1)
  • Branch Secretary (1)
  • Branch Assistant Secretary/Treasurer (1)
  • Branch Councillors from the following Practitioner Types:
    • Staff Specialist: 4
    • Medical Officer (Doctor in Training): 5
    • Miscellaneous: 1